Hello everyone, we wanted to let you all know what happened yesterday and today regarding our site. If you follow us on social media, you know we had some trouble with the server. Here's what happened: We have worked with a local hosting provider for a long time, even before we launched this site. Its a smaller provider but he has been very good and sweet to us! Sadly, he was thinking of retiring soon right as this terrible hack happened. The server was compromised by a hacking group which took screenshots of their infiltration and demanded a ransom to not attack the sites on the server. With our provider already considering retirement, he took this as a sign to close his business. We had to shut the site down to protect it and look for a new hosting service. Here's what this means:
- The Site is 100% Safe: It was not harmed in anyway. None of our users were affected and nothing has been stolen. Since we don't have advertisements and don't use the site for any revenue, nothing monetarily was compromised. Basically all is good.
- The New Server Is Dedicated: Our new server is much bigger, much faster, and we control it completely! There are no other accounts on the server that we don't have total management over so we'll be able to monitor the site much better!
- New Costs: The new server does come with a bit of an increase so our monthly fees did go up a bit.
Moving forward, if you are seeing this post it means the new site has propagated to your area. There are some areas that may be seeing the site via the old server, which is safe, but is going away. This means you could see some comments disappear, because they were on one server and not on the other. Also, our email is propagating as well which means for the next 24 hours we may not get your email right away. Thank you for bearing with us and if you have any questions feel free to use the comments below, the forum, or the contact page. If you use any of those methods of contact, our server will make a record of it so even if there is a delay in email, we'll be able to see it. Thank you everyone, and El May Arah!
Keep up the great work
All good questions Eire El. Let us address your concerns.
1. The attack was reported to authorities. That said we want to be clear. Our site was not hacked. It was our server provider's site. When he was hacked he notified his users that he was hacked and we took our site down as a precaution. While it was down, we moved the site to our new provider before anyone else could access it. There are no indications that someone has been into our site other than site management.
2. We are VERY confident that the site was not attacked or that there was any malware, ransomware, or phishing added to the site. However, if users wish to be cautious, that is always recommended no matter the site.
If you have any concerns please let us know. Our direct email is admin@supergirl.tv if you don't feel comfortable using the contact page.
1. Have you reported the breach to your governments Data Protection Agency (if you have one)? As they may be able to give you advise to prevent another attack.
2. As the data controller, or your host (at the time) being the data processor, can you be absolutely certain nothing was stolen and the email addresses we members all signed up with won't be Pwned by the hacker for use in phishing?
Site users may need to be extra careful with their email to prevent being attacked by something like cryto-randsomware.
Members who may have security concerns may want to check their email address against https://haveibeenpwned.com
I say you're onto it. It was...someone else...something else
Dammit Mr Queen not my fault arrow.tv doesn't exist
Who was responsible for hacking supergirl.tv?
Maxwell Lord
Queen Rhea
White Martians
Someone else
Glad you're back up and running!
Totally agree!
Many thanks for the great job you are doing with this site