Curious to how long it takes to film just one 48 minute episode of Supergirl? Well the one and only David Harewood (Hank Henshaw) tells it like it is! Now we know filming began July 23rd (a Thursday) and there is bound to be some ramp up time since this cast and crew haven't been together officially since the pilot, but as Mr. Harewood says in this tweet, just one sequence remains to wrap this first episode (after the pilot).
So where might this last sequence need to be filmed? According to OLV the Supergirl cast and crew are headed to E 6th St Bridge, S Santa Fe Ave (under the bridge) – East to Los Angeles River (4:00 PM – 6:00 AM) and E 6th St Bridge, Boyle – Mateo in Los Angeles (8:00 PM – 6:00 AM).
Yikes those are some long and difficult hours to be filming. This location has daylight, evening, and night time shots! Curious what it could be and what's going down at that bridge!? Well we are all becoming pros at the speculation game, but we can leave you with this tweet from the beautiful Chyler Leigh (Alex Danvers) as fact.
Well it's not the Otto Binder bridge but there looks like there could be a multitude of accidents, fights, and or drama happening at this location. What do you think might be going on? Share your speculation with us in the comments below. Also join our forum for some serious fan-friendly conversations!