My goodness this has been a MAJOR Supergirl related last three days for us and we still have a new episode tonight and the crossover tomorrow! Whew! Tonight marks the first full episode featuring Teri Hatcher and Kevin Sorbo which is going to get Mon-El in some hot water! Sounds like the Daxamites come to Earth swinging already and its going to take some action from Mon-El to set things right. Also, we have our first look at how the Music Meister is apparently on both Earth 38 and Earth 1. Get your answers and ask your new questions below, there is a lot to unpack in these two new sneak peeks at tonight's episode:
Share your thoughts with us in the comments below and in the forum! Good news, Cisco gave us one of those interdimensional gateway devices too. We've been sending all advertisements to Earth 43 (they don't have advertisements there so they actually love it). Help us keep sending those advertisements to the good people of Earth 43 and keep them off this site by visiting the support page!
According to Grant Gustin apparently the lesson to learn from the Meister encounter is "love is enough" to solve their problems. I don't know how love will defeat Savitar, but I do know love usually brings broken lovers back together. So here's hoping.
But then the pace picks up further with the Glee mini-reunion of the Music Meister putting the Whammy (and I don't mean BIG BUCKS!) on Supergirl and Mon-El perhaps coming to her rescue not knowing the results of the meeting of his family.
The teasers did just that...tease. But this will lead up to the anticipated musical event on The Flash tomorrow night.