Season 2 Episode 3 Sneak Peeks

We have been fans of Sterling Gates' portrayal of Supergirl for a long time. In Adventures of Supergirl one of our reviews stated how Sterling "got" the voice of Melissa Beniost's and Chyler Leigh's Kara and Alex (respectively) so well, he should be writing for the show. Well, the executive producers are not ones to miss an opportunity to please the fans, as Sterling Gates is a co-writer of this upcoming episode! Judging by the trailer alone, this episode is packed with hilarity, action, and romance. So without further ado we are so excited to share with you this sneak peek at Monday's new episode! Laugh out loud moments are guaranteed, just watch the sneak peek below:

Also enjoy this second sneak peek at tomorrow's new Supergirl. This one is a lot shorter but shows the kind of mischief that Mr. Mxyzptlk is going to get Kara into:

What did you think of the sneak peek at Monday's new episode? Let us know in the comments below and in the forum! A flu like desease called advertisement-on-your-site-is has been lurking in the area of our server! But fear not, a simple visit to our support page can help us get the medicine we need to stay healthy!

Eric Johnston
Author: Eric JohnstonWebsite: https://supergirl.tvEmail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Executive Editor/Owner
About the Author
Eric is the primary author for He has been covering the Supergirl show since 2014, but been a fan for decades. "Hope, Help, and Compassion for All, El May Arah!"


+1 #25 RE: Season 2 Episode 13 Sneak PeeksJukebox John 2017-02-21 07:52
[quote name="Stewart Tick" ]Stewart responded"But I hope they don't use the getting-Mr.-Mxyzptlk-to-say-his-name-backwards-to- get-rid-of-him idea. Very corny and how many times can the imp keep falling for it? "

Well, I guess I'll have to disagree with you there. To me, the "saying his name backwards" bit isn't corny. It's part of the heritage of the Golden and Silver Age of DC comics! (and of course, Mxy always falls for it by the end of the story - we expect him to! :)

Actually, it's "Kelp-tip-zixm"

Stewart. Gotta admit they made it work by having him type in letters without realizing he was typing his name backwards. I remember the silver age and did enjoy those stories, but at some point I would've thought he would have figured it. I suppose we won't be seeing Mxy all that often (although the actor was great), so the backwards name trick won't become overused.
And thanks for the backward pronunciation help!
+2 #24 Mxyzptlkkc 2017-02-20 15:40
I have avoided all the sneak peeks so far :D There's virtually no way for this episode not to be brilliant as long as they go old school Mxyzptlk. This might be the first time where a villain overwhelms Supergirl that I find believable. Anyway I'm going to enjoy the heck out of it, should be a total riot. Looking forward to this more than any episode this season except perhaps the season premier. I would love for Supergirl to be the one to banish him back to where he belongs, with no help!
+3 #23 RE: Season 2 Episode 13 Sneak PeeksStewart Tick 2017-02-20 13:05
"But I hope they don't use the getting-Mr.-Mxyzptlk-to-say-his-name-backwards-to- get-rid-of-him idea. Very corny and how many times can the imp keep falling for it? "

Well, I guess I'll have to disagree with you there. To me, the "saying his name backwards" bit isn't corny. It's part of the heritage of the Golden and Silver Age of DC comics! (and of course, Mxy always falls for it by the end of the story - we expect him to! :)

"Hey, I'm such an old geek that I can spell Mxyzptlk without having to look it up. I can pronounce it forward but does anybody know how it's pronounced backwards? Kltpzyxmi. "Klet-pez-ex-em", maybe?"

Actually, it's "Kelp-tip-zixm"
+3 #22 Backwards?Jukebox John 2017-02-20 12:09
I'm glad they are injecting humor into the show. One of the reasons Legends of Tomorrow works is because of all the humor and inside jokes - the shout outs to fans. But I hope they don't use the getting-Mr.-Mxyzptlk-to-say-his-name-backwards-to- get-rid-of-him idea. Very corny and how many times can the imp keep falling for it? The previews look great. I'm looking forward to it.
Hey, I'm such an old geek that I can spell Mxyzptlk without having to look it up. I can pronounce it forward but does anybody know how it's pronounced backwards? Kltpzyxm. "Klet-pez-ex-em", maybe?
+2 #21 and the inside lookRschick 2017-02-20 09:04
+3 #20 RE: Season 2 Episode 13 Sneak PeeksBuenalista25133 2017-02-20 02:09
CAN'T WAIT THIS IS SO FUNNY HAHAHA I'M SO EXCITED , I'm sure this episode will be crazyyyy
#19 Sneak Peak 1Superchick 2017-02-19 15:35
The first sneak peak takes the cake! i laughed so hard! mann that Aladdin song lol and lets face it he has a nice voice. :-)
But sadly mzxpl...whatever has two strikes against him.First he's Annoying and second he's too late Mon El ,Winn ,Adam etc all came before him. Poor Kara is fairly worn out!
Oh i cant wait for tomorrow :lol:
+5 #18 RE: Season 2 Episode 13 Sneak Peeksralphsilver 2017-02-19 15:10
This interpretation of Mxyzptlk looks very authentic, in line with Silver Age comic book lore. Sterling Gates is the right one to pull this off. So excited!
+3 #17 RE: Season 2 Episode 13 Sneak PeeksTriggy 2017-02-19 14:42
Supergirl called him "Mxy"! Is she under his spell?

Movie mistake: Shots fired and the pedestrians don't react.

(I'm late for work and Supergirl's gonna take care of the problem - no problem!)
#16 Go Supergirl and monelkeithchristy 2017-02-19 13:33
Go Supergirl and monEl go. I am on team Supergirl and team Alex and Maggie. Happy Valentine's to all fans of Supergirl around the world.from supergirls number one fan.

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