Rahul Kohli Guests as Spheer CEO

Supergirl is adding another CW alumn to the show as a guest star! This time it's Rahul Kohli from iZombie! Kohli will play Jack Spheer according to Spheer may be known by comic book aficionados as the villain Biomax. Spheer's motive for being in National City is described as:

Jack comes to National City to demonstrate his technology to members of the press, including Kara Danvers (Melissa Benoist) and Snapper Carr (Ian Gomez). His arrival stirs up front page news as well as feelings in his old flame Lena Luthor (Katie McGrath)

Also this episode will cover the necessity of a fair and balanced press media. Andrew Kreisberg adds:

[Journalistic Integrety is] actually been very important to us, especially in the times we now find ourselves living in; we’re one of the few shows on television that actually has a journalist as a lead character. We really get a chance to talk about the importance of journalism, and the importance of journalism ethics, and how important [it is to have] the objective truth be out there now.

Spheer will appear in episode 18 titled "Ace Reporter". If you think that's all, you haven't visited our spoilers page! We've got even more info on this episode you won't find anywhere else, read at your own risk!

Let us know what you think of Kohli guest-staring as Spheer in the comments below and in the forum. Keep our server free from advertisement mind-control and visit the support page!

Eric Johnston
Author: Eric JohnstonWebsite: https://supergirl.tvEmail:
Executive Editor/Owner
About the Author
Eric is the primary author for He has been covering the Supergirl show since 2014, but been a fan for decades. "Hope, Help, and Compassion for All, El May Arah!"


+1 #23 RE: Rahul Kohli Guests as Spheer CEOChucky 2017-03-05 22:20
Quoting 3Jekams:
Quoting Chucky:
Quoting 3Jekams:
Quoting Kelly:
Someone should have warned this poor guy about tweeting pics of him and Katie together on set.....if you are on twitter, show him some love. ;)

I KNOW! It's so messed up

They are absolutely crazy. Now the World can really see how delusional and crazy they are

He had a great comeback though!

I laughed my ass off
+1 #22 RE: Rahul Kohli Guests as Spheer CEO3Jekams 2017-03-05 21:13
Quoting Chucky:
Quoting 3Jekams:
Quoting Kelly:
Someone should have warned this poor guy about tweeting pics of him and Katie together on set.....if you are on twitter, show him some love. ;)

I KNOW! It's so messed up

They are absolutely crazy. Now the World can really see how delusional and crazy they are

He had a great comeback though!
+1 #21 RE: Rahul Kohli Guests as Spheer CEOChucky 2017-03-05 21:12
Quoting 3Jekams:
Quoting Kelly:
Someone should have warned this poor guy about tweeting pics of him and Katie together on set.....if you are on twitter, show him some love. ;)

I KNOW! It's so messed up

They are absolutely crazy. Now the World can really see how delusional and crazy they are
#20 Show Rahul Some Love!3Jekams 2017-03-05 10:08
Quoting Kelly:
Someone should have warned this poor guy about tweeting pics of him and Katie together on set.....if you are on twitter, show him some love. ;)

I KNOW! It's so messed up
+1 #19 RE: Rahul Kohli Guests as Spheer CEOKelly 2017-03-05 09:20
Someone should have warned this poor guy about tweeting pics of him and Katie together on set.....if you are on twitter, show him some love. ;)
+2 #18 RE: Rahul Kohli Guests as Spheer CEO3Jekams 2017-03-01 23:54
YESSS *As happy as Kara as when Barry gave her ice cream* I love Rahul! :D
-3 #17 RE: Rahul Kohli Guests as Spheer CEOvantheman77 2017-03-01 19:01
I don't see Lena being evil, that's Lillian and we don't need two evil Luthor women either.

We're looking at a triangle with Kara, Lena, and Biomax as the A storyline while the B storyline is James, Winn, and Lyra.

I just hope this is not filler.
+1 #16 RE: Rahul Kohli Guests as Spheer CEOFedguy 2017-03-01 18:44
I shall say no more. :)
+2 #15 RE: Rahul Kohli Guests as Spheer CEOKelly 2017-03-01 18:33
I think it is just a matter of the writers following Canon with Lena. The writers spend time on Twitter, they know of the different ships, simply chose to follow Canon, and that's all.
+3 #14 RE: Rahul Kohli Guests as Spheer CEOFedguy 2017-03-01 18:06
I paid attention to what you said. Perhaps you need to pay attention to the show. If you don't believe me, at least believe the writers. Them writing a plot contrary to your imagination means they are not and never were intending to comply with the "supercorp" fantasy. It really is well and good that you like what ever fan fiction you want, but do not come at the fans who stick to canon, and at the writers for not conforming to your beliefs.

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