Breaking Update: We were doing some follow-up research with the audition videos to confirm some facts with our stories when we found another audition tape. Last week we discovered a video that seemed so far fetched that we didn't credit it with authenticity. Now, we have found another video with the exact same dialogue which shows that a possible script with these scenes has gone out for actors to read. Here's what we know:
- There are two scenes with Kara and Winn.
- They may or may not be from episode one.
- The scenes reveal the nature of Kara's and Winn's relationship.
- There is more but we've added those revelations to the spoilers page.
Basically we've confirmed that two actors have auditioned for the role of Winn Schott and what they reveal is very interesting! See the video here. The dialogue of the scenes can be found here.
Good evening fans! We don't usually have late night updates but there are some minor things to note. First, two more audition tapes have surfaced. Both are for the role of Kara (which as we all know has gone to our beloved Melissa Benoist). What the tapes do have, however, is a conversation between Cat Grant and Kara Danvers. If you had any worries about girl power, or why they call her Supergirl and not Superwoman, this scene was written especially for you. Because this is spoiler related, we are going to attach links this time to cut down on any dangers of fans that don't want spoilers, seeing them.
Finally, just to note. We've updated the Spoilers page with more facts about the show and consolidated all videos we have pretaining to the show on the Videos page.
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