Kiwi will be gone for 3 weeks visiting his madre. So, won't be on the boards as much. So, I'm helping him out....
Title: Damage (Originally titled Two Rings)
Directed By: Kevin Smith
Air Date: November 6th, 2017 8pm The CW
Written By: Eric Carrasco & Cindy Lichtman
Official Description: When multiple children get sick from lead poisoning, Morgan Edge points the finger at Lena and blames her creation of the lead bomb she made to save National City from the Daxamites. While Lena knows she never intended any harm, she fears there may have been a flaw in her design, leaving her responsible. Kara teams up with Samantha to clear Lena’s name, but it turns out to be harder than they thought. Meanwhile, Alex and Maggie make a crucial decision about the future of their relationship.
Go ahead: Discuss Away, Super Buddies....
- evrafter
- Supergirl Season 3
- Tuesday, 31 October 2017
EricI'm looking into stars possibly, something without so much nomenclature that can be confusing
What do you think we change Amazing Episode to Excellent. My thoughts are that Best in 20 is amazing. I think excellent conveys more the thought you want. I would raise Very Good to a B+. I might have rated this one Excellent if given that option. I also agree that 7 options are enough.
Being Kelly and I are both teachers, I'm sure we could create a very awesome RUBRIC for ya, Eric

- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 21
Eh! I guess, I am starting to sound like a Lena hater; I am not. However, I'd like some story there which is not about Lena getting rescued. Episode 4 seemed like that.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 22
Personally I get why Supergirl was having trouble hanging on to both halves of the plane. It wasn’t the weight it was the fact that she couldn’t get a good grip. They showed the metal bending as she tightened her grip, if she had squeezed too hard the part she was holding would have broken off. That scene was one of the best rescues to date, both Melissa and Katie sold the heck out of it.
I think if Lena had been passed out or injured and physically unable to climb up supergirl would have saved both halves. A very supergirl thing to do it is to lift others up by inspiring them. Kara knew Lena was down on herself and in a pit of despair. And then physically she was in a pit made of the plane, supergirl forced Lena to ascend out of the physical pit choosing to live culminating in a leap of faith. Supergirl saved 3 portions in essence; the chemicals, Lena's life and Lena's soul.
Well if you’re going to get all philosophical LOL
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 23
Personally I get why Supergirl was having trouble hanging on to both halves of the plane. It wasn’t the weight it was the fact that she couldn’t get a good grip. They showed the metal bending as she tightened her grip, if she had squeezed too hard the part she was holding would have broken off. That scene was one of the best rescues to date, both Melissa and Katie sold the heck out of it.
I think if Lena had been passed out or injured and physically unable to climb up supergirl would have saved both halves. A very supergirl thing to do it is to lift others up by inspiring them. Kara knew Lena was down on herself and in a pit of despair. And then physically she was in a pit made of the plane, supergirl forced Lena to ascend out of the physical pit choosing to live culminating in a leap of faith. Supergirl saved 3 portions in essence; the chemicals, Lena's life and Lena's soul.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 24
IMO, Lena is on a massive learning curve when it comes to relationships that are truly self giving, working with other people that are more knowledgeable than her on something, as well as coming into her own as a Luthor....
We have only known her character for less than a year....her coming to grips with her Luthor name was barely getting started last season, as was her having someone in her life as self giving as Kara. NOW THIS SEASON, you throw in her having been a CEO of a company she ran pretty much on her own, to a company that she knows nothing about running and has someone (a man) that knows far more than she does about it, and answering to him, or asking advice, or comparing notes, or anything where someone else was involved at or near the same level as her is almost unheard of for her. She is still on a massive learning curve for all of those things. I think in this last episode she was spot on in her reaction to all of those things.
1. What little bit of separation she had from the Luthor name was wiped out in one press conference.
2. Her guilt over Mon-el having to leave was very much still in play with Kara.
3. She is now working with someone that she knows absolutely hates her brother and the Luthor name as a whole, and yet here they are needing to collaborate, as she learns a whole new set of skills.
Anyone would be off center if not on their face in these circumstances when they all hit you at once.
Oh, I realise that. I would not have a problem with it if the show and the viewers actually acknowledged that fact instead of behaving as if James is wrong all the time (just because they didn't like the guardian arc).
Even Kara supports Lena over James (though she sometimes does that; it's her tendency to believe the best in people). It'd be nice if James and Kara had a talk where she acknowledged that Lena is treating James rather badly.
Also, to be honest, being on a learning curve is never an excuse for treating your employees badly.
And... the other thing is... Kara-Lena relationship continues to be one-sided. I kind of understand why Lena is so dependent on Kara, but other than a generic concern for her well being that Kara really has for everybody (and esp. Lena because she does bring out the protective spirit in people), I have not seen a mutually rewarding/rich friendship between the two. There is no similar imbalance when it comes to Winn and Kara, or James and Kara. (I am not even bringing the Kara-Alex and Kara-J'onn relationships here because they are on a completely another level).
I'd appreciate all of this if the show actually acknowledged it. However, they are not doing it. Sometimes, fanoning it gets tiresome.
I am having flashbacks of Mon El.

Anyways... May be things will improve as we go on. As you said, learning curve.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 25
Adding fuel to the fire on the shipping roles; might James and Lena become an eventual item?
I don't like shiping but that would be the one ship to silence all ships I guess. If they really pair Lena up with someone, that might shut up all the people that wants to pair Lena with various people, since Lena is like for some reason the only person shippers are into.
Or they might just go even more berserk.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 26
Adding fuel to the fire on the shipping roles; might James and Lena become an eventual item?
I belong to the house of EL.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 27
[As an aside Sully, interesting thought on the Cobra effect; I didn't take the cobra story as good with a basis on evil at all; that was Indians being enterprising when their exploitative colonial masters tried to do something to ease their (the masters') own comfort; I was all for it.But, that is just me being me.]
I'm not familiar with the original story, SSAV, is it based on an actual event? My point on good and evil goes along with the unintended consequences concept that you mentioned with the bomb. Sometimes, good things come from an event that had evil intentions and sometimes, something evil grows out of an event that originated out of goodness. How many people would choose to go back and change something terrible that happened in their life if, in doing so, it would also erase a very positive outcome that occurred because of the same event. Hence, what we think of as evil may have the possibility of bringing good and vice-versa.
I am on James' side of the tiff.
Basically because, Lena has been treating James rather badly since she came in.
I agree. I felt that Lena was being very unprofessional when she first arrived and ignored James' position in the company and what he had done for the company. He had every right to confront her about the way she was, most likely unintentionally, treating him. Personally, my prediction is that the writers are creating a bit of tension between the two as part of the beginning stages of a relationship. I'm not against it but, I just hope it doesn't overtake the character's or SG story.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 28
I enjoyed watching this episode.
I thought it was interesting to see Sam and Kara work together. Edge is working well as a villain, with out being too mustache twirly (though I would like to know how he knows everything about Lena's actions during the Daxam invasion)
On another note, It looks like Lena is going to be this season's damsel in distress again.
At least, someone here who gets my problem with Lena's storyline.Lena centric stories are always about her being rescued by Kara; and her doubting her Luthor name and angsting about it; and whether she is good or evil. (The only time that didn't happen was when she was being conned by Rhea. And, I considered those stories good)
(I basically said the same thing in another thread about how Lena needs Kara more than Kara needs her; but still.. at times, it is frustrating.)
I am on James' side of the tiff.
Basically because, Lena has been treating James rather badly since she came in. The last episode, yes. but Also, this episode, where she does not even takes his input on adding a PR article pretending to be news to the newspaper. At least, a heads-up would have been nice, Lena. The guy is the editor in chief, you know, plus the person who has been running the company until you took it over. I'd have been happy if it was her Luthor (grey business woman) persona coming out; but the way everyone (viewers at least) seem to be treating it, it is as if she did the right thing and James is the one doing wrong. (I wish there was an argument and Kara would side with James in this; though that is wishful thinking.)
If a rich woman (or man) just bought your company, a company you have been running successfully, and then, just sidelined you, how fun would that be for you?
Also, it's only natural that he would have reservations about the reason behind the kids' getting sick.
None of them were sure yet, after all. It could have been the bomb. And James having some empathy for the kids parents' viewpoint is not bad. It does not mean he is blaming her.
Where the show dropped the ball is in not showing and emphasising that aspect of the bombing-that it was set off to protect Earth from an invasion and that, war, always has consequences. The people acted like Lena poisoned the kids deliberately.
Instead, if they had dealt with it the way you know how people from Nagasaki and Hiroshima would feel, it would have been better. As in, it was an action meant to protect but, it could have caused harm to some. Harm that was unavoidable. However, the show is also meant for kids, so I guess they needed to keep it black and white. But, they had actually considered this question in Season One with the Kryptonite bomb. Although, they did come to black and white.
[As an aside Sully, interesting thought on the Cobra effect; I didn't take the cobra story as good with a basis on evil at all; that was Indians being enterprising when their exploitative colonial masters tried to do something to ease their (the masters') own comfort; I was all for it.But, that is just me being me.]
I liked the episode by the way: mostly the Sam-Kara team up and Kara-Alex scenes at the beginning and the end. And wow! Kara's scene with Edge.
IMO, Lena is on a massive learning curve when it comes to relationships that are truly self giving, working with other people that are more knowledgeable than her on something, as well as coming into her own as a Luthor....
We have only known her character for less than a year....her coming to grips with her Luthor name was barely getting started last season, as was her having someone in her life as self giving as Kara. NOW THIS SEASON, you throw in her having been a CEO of a company she ran pretty much on her own, to a company that she knows nothing about running and has someone (a man) that knows far more than she does about it, and answering to him, or asking advice, or comparing notes, or anything where someone else was involved at or near the same level as her is almost unheard of for her. She is still on a massive learning curve for all of those things. I think in this last episode she was spot on in her reaction to all of those things.
1. What little bit of separation she had from the Luthor name was wiped out in one press conference.
2. Her guilt over Mon-el having to leave was very much still in play with Kara.
3. She is now working with someone that she knows absolutely hates her brother and the Luthor name as a whole, and yet here they are needing to collaborate, as she learns a whole new set of skills.
Anyone would be off center if not on their face in these circumstances when they all hit you at once.
Profile Pic by
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 29
EricI'm looking into stars possibly, something without so much nomenclature that can be confusing
What do you think we change Amazing Episode to Excellent. My thoughts are that Best in 20 is amazing. I think excellent conveys more the thought you want. I would raise Very Good to a B+. I might have rated this one Excellent if given that option. I also agree that 7 options are enough.
You will give the people of Earth an ideal to strive towards. They will race behind you, they will stumble, they will fall. But in time, they will join you in the sun, Kal. In time, you will help them accomplish wonders.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 30
I enjoyed watching this episode.
I thought it was interesting to see Sam and Kara work together. Edge is working well as a villain, with out being too mustache twirly (though I would like to know how he knows everything about Lena's actions during the Daxam invasion)
On another note, It looks like Lena is going to be this season's damsel in distress again.
At least, someone here who gets my problem with Lena's storyline.

(I basically said the same thing in another thread about how Lena needs Kara more than Kara needs her; but still.. at times, it is frustrating.)
I am on James' side of the tiff.
Basically because, Lena has been treating James rather badly since she came in. The last episode, yes. but Also, this episode, where she does not even takes his input on adding a PR article pretending to be news to the newspaper. At least, a heads-up would have been nice, Lena. The guy is the editor in chief, you know, plus the person who has been running the company until you took it over. I'd have been happy if it was her Luthor (grey business woman) persona coming out; but the way everyone (viewers at least) seem to be treating it, it is as if she did the right thing and James is the one doing wrong. (I wish there was an argument and Kara would side with James in this; though that is wishful thinking.)
If a rich woman (or man) just bought your company, a company you have been running successfully, and then, just sidelined you, how fun would that be for you?
Also, it's only natural that he would have reservations about the reason behind the kids' getting sick.
None of them were sure yet, after all. It could have been the bomb. And James having some empathy for the kids parents' viewpoint is not bad. It does not mean he is blaming her.
Where the show dropped the ball is in not showing and emphasising that aspect of the bombing-that it was set off to protect Earth from an invasion and that, war, always has consequences. The people acted like Lena poisoned the kids deliberately.
Instead, if they had dealt with it the way you know how people from Nagasaki and Hiroshima would feel, it would have been better. As in, it was an action meant to protect but, it could have caused harm to some. Harm that was unavoidable. However, the show is also meant for kids, so I guess they needed to keep it black and white. But, they had actually considered this question in Season One with the Kryptonite bomb. Although, they did come to black and white.
[As an aside Sully, interesting thought on the Cobra effect; I didn't take the cobra story as good with a basis on evil at all; that was Indians being enterprising when their exploitative colonial masters tried to do something to ease their (the masters') own comfort; I was all for it.

I liked the episode by the way: mostly the Sam-Kara team up and Kara-Alex scenes at the beginning and the end. And wow! Kara's scene with Edge.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 31
Okay well so far Morgan Edge is a very intimidating villain, but for a man like him he should be smarter than to get on Supergirl's bad side and to top it off him hurting Lena, her best friend, emotionally and physically well Morgan u r screwed. I wonder if Morgan will be making any direct hits towards Supergirl because so far it has just been about Lena and she is getting tied in the middle. Also is Sam not suspicious of why Kara just has like a testing tube thing that connects to her phone in her purse? She might think that she does that alot. And I just wonder what would have happened if Sam glanced down at the door when Kara broke it open, she would probably be very confused and like, "how did this door just randomly break like that?" I love seeing Sam and Kara Bond and I hope to God that it happens more before the Reign thing. Will Sam tell anyone besides her adoptive mom about the powers and hallucinations and dreams? Maybe Lena? I love the ending where Sam finds out that she might just have powers. It just made my jaw drop. Ruby in this episode is just so sweet in the beginning where she worries about her mom and how nice she is to her friends and when Lena comes over that bright smile she has when she brings out the pillows. I really want Kara to meet Ruby and if Ruby does get sucked in with Reign or something like that maybe when Alex adopts Ruby, if she does, will she find out Kara is Supergirl? At least once in the season will Ruby meet Supergirl and not when her mom Reign is trying to kill her?
Agreed, I kind of want Ruby to find out Kara is Supergirl, or for Kara to meet Ruby. This kind of says to me that if Kara can connect with Ruby she can see for herself that theres something that Reign cares about that she can talk her down with.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 32
Not quite as good as past season three episodes, but still enjoyable. I didn't get the ideas of using s remote controlled plane, with Lena onboard to dump the toxc chemicals.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 33
Okay well so far Morgan Edge is a very intimidating villain, but for a man like him he should be smarter than to get on Supergirl's bad side and to top it off him hurting Lena, her best friend, emotionally and physically well Morgan u r screwed. I wonder if Morgan will be making any direct hits towards Supergirl because so far it has just been about Lena and she is getting tied in the middle. Also is Sam not suspicious of why Kara just has like a testing tube thing that connects to her phone in her purse? She might think that she does that alot. And I just wonder what would have happened if Sam glanced down at the door when Kara broke it open, she would probably be very confused and like, "how did this door just randomly break like that?" I love seeing Sam and Kara Bond and I hope to God that it happens more before the Reign thing. Will Sam tell anyone besides her adoptive mom about the powers and hallucinations and dreams? Maybe Lena? I love the ending where Sam finds out that she might just have powers. It just made my jaw drop. Ruby in this episode is just so sweet in the beginning where she worries about her mom and how nice she is to her friends and when Lena comes over that bright smile she has when she brings out the pillows. I really want Kara to meet Ruby and if Ruby does get sucked in with Reign or something like that maybe when Alex adopts Ruby, if she does, will she find out Kara is Supergirl? At least once in the season will Ruby meet Supergirl and not when her mom Reign is trying to kill her?
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 34
Any episode that begins with Alex and Supergirl teaming up to take down a villain has started on the right foot and is on the road to being a decent episode. Love the shot of Supergirl through the broken windshield. It really set the tone of the scene.
I thoroughly enjoy Adrian Pasdar in every role that I have seen him in and this one has been no different. As I mentioned on the News page, he does an exceptional job of depicting a, "take no prisoners-win at all costs" personality.
Brierrose, I agree, Edge is no Max. Max had a conscience and felt he was doing the right thing even if his actions weren't always morally or ethically correct. Edge, nah, he seems just to do what he does simply because he wants power and control. We don't have a backstory on him and I, for one, hope that we don't get a sympathetic story that makes us question if underneath it all, he had good intentions. Let's just let the villain be a ruthless, formidable foe for SG.
I also noticed the comment about Sam knowing Lena for awhile. At the time, I thought, whoa, did we know that before or was this brand new information.
I liked Edge's comment to Lena about the cobra and how killing the snake had unintended consequences. It really is a nice reference to how there can't be good without evil. I also loved the Acme Co., cartoon comment of the Wile E. Coyote and RoadrunnerBEEP, BEEP!
Besides the opening scene, Supergirl saving the plane and Lena was probably my favorite of the episode. I assumed that she would have flown under the plane to keep it up and most likely, in one piece but, staying inside provided some nice shots that showed her strength.
I've liked James thus far in the season much better than previously but, I had to question his waffling between telling Lena that she wasn't her brother and so shouldn't be judged as such to basically insinuating that she was at some fault in the bomb because she used a device her brother made. Nothing like building up a person's self-esteem and shooting the air out within a matter of minutes, lol.
Kelly - I agree with you on the Alex/Maggie scenes. First ones didn't impress me but, the last one was much better.
I wish that they could have separated Alex's story into a different episode or perhaps integrated the break-up better in previous episodes. As it was, such a pivotal piece thrown in with what going on in the Lena, Edge,SG story line made both stories feel rushed. But, I know that's sometimes easier said than done, too.
DagNABit, I'm loving Sam!!! When it starts to Reign, it's gonna POUR!!... my emotions RIGHT outta my heart, all over the floor in a sloppy mess.
Good news....Ruby didn't bug me tonight.
Ditto for me on these two points, evrafter.
Well at least one article is already saying Reign might be made to dose unforgivable things.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 35
I enjoyed watching this episode.
I thought it was interesting to see Sam and Kara work together. Edge is working well as a villain, with out being too mustache twirly (though I would like to know how he knows everything about Lena's actions during the Daxam invasion)
On another note, It looks like Lena is going to be this season's damsel in distress again. Seriously, someone really needs to pull Lena aside and point out how stupid it is to 1. confront someone you know is dangerous 2. on their turf 3. alone and 4. with no-one knowing your whereabouts. (This is the second time she did this! Either she has the self preservation instincts of a piñata or, judging by this episode, simply doesn't care if she gets killed)
Also, was I the only one that was disappointed we didn't see any interaction between Lena and Winn? It seems like he would be able to relate to her plight, not just because his dad is a supervillian, but he was also the other person that worked on the lead bomb. I consider it a missed opportunity.
I thought it was interesting to see Sam and Kara work together. Edge is working well as a villain, with out being too mustache twirly (though I would like to know how he knows everything about Lena's actions during the Daxam invasion)
On another note, It looks like Lena is going to be this season's damsel in distress again. Seriously, someone really needs to pull Lena aside and point out how stupid it is to 1. confront someone you know is dangerous 2. on their turf 3. alone and 4. with no-one knowing your whereabouts. (This is the second time she did this! Either she has the self preservation instincts of a piñata or, judging by this episode, simply doesn't care if she gets killed)
Also, was I the only one that was disappointed we didn't see any interaction between Lena and Winn? It seems like he would be able to relate to her plight, not just because his dad is a supervillian, but he was also the other person that worked on the lead bomb. I consider it a missed opportunity.
Don't assume malice when stupidity is an adequate explanation. At least, not the first time.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 36
Any episode that begins with Alex and Supergirl teaming up to take down a villain has started on the right foot and is on the road to being a decent episode
. Love the shot of Supergirl through the broken windshield. It really set the tone of the scene.
I thoroughly enjoy Adrian Pasdar in every role that I have seen him in and this one has been no different. As I mentioned on the News page, he does an exceptional job of depicting a, "take no prisoners-win at all costs" personality.
Brierrose, I agree, Edge is no Max. Max had a conscience and felt he was doing the right thing even if his actions weren't always morally or ethically correct. Edge, nah, he seems just to do what he does simply because he wants power and control. We don't have a backstory on him and I, for one, hope that we don't get a sympathetic story that makes us question if underneath it all, he had good intentions. Let's just let the villain be a ruthless, formidable foe for SG.
I also noticed the comment about Sam knowing Lena for awhile. At the time, I thought, whoa, did we know that before or was this brand new information
I liked Edge's comment to Lena about the cobra and how killing the snake had unintended consequences. It really is a nice reference to how there can't be good without evil. I also loved the Acme Co., cartoon comment of the Wile E. Coyote and Roadrunner
Besides the opening scene, Supergirl saving the plane and Lena was probably my favorite of the episode. I assumed that she would have flown under the plane to keep it up and most likely, in one piece but, staying inside provided some nice shots that showed her strength.
I've liked James thus far in the season much better than previously but, I had to question his waffling between telling Lena that she wasn't her brother and so shouldn't be judged as such to basically insinuating that she was at some fault in the bomb because she used a device her brother made. Nothing like building up a person's self-esteem and shooting the air out within a matter of minutes, lol.
Kelly - I agree with you on the Alex/Maggie scenes. First ones didn't impress me but, the last one was much better.
I wish that they could have separated Alex's story into a different episode or perhaps integrated the break-up better in previous episodes. As it was, such a pivotal piece thrown in with what going on in the Lena, Edge,SG story line made both stories feel rushed. But, I know that's sometimes easier said than done, too.
Ditto for me on these two points, evrafter.

I thoroughly enjoy Adrian Pasdar in every role that I have seen him in and this one has been no different. As I mentioned on the News page, he does an exceptional job of depicting a, "take no prisoners-win at all costs" personality.
Brierrose, I agree, Edge is no Max. Max had a conscience and felt he was doing the right thing even if his actions weren't always morally or ethically correct. Edge, nah, he seems just to do what he does simply because he wants power and control. We don't have a backstory on him and I, for one, hope that we don't get a sympathetic story that makes us question if underneath it all, he had good intentions. Let's just let the villain be a ruthless, formidable foe for SG.
I also noticed the comment about Sam knowing Lena for awhile. At the time, I thought, whoa, did we know that before or was this brand new information

I liked Edge's comment to Lena about the cobra and how killing the snake had unintended consequences. It really is a nice reference to how there can't be good without evil. I also loved the Acme Co., cartoon comment of the Wile E. Coyote and Roadrunner

Besides the opening scene, Supergirl saving the plane and Lena was probably my favorite of the episode. I assumed that she would have flown under the plane to keep it up and most likely, in one piece but, staying inside provided some nice shots that showed her strength.
I've liked James thus far in the season much better than previously but, I had to question his waffling between telling Lena that she wasn't her brother and so shouldn't be judged as such to basically insinuating that she was at some fault in the bomb because she used a device her brother made. Nothing like building up a person's self-esteem and shooting the air out within a matter of minutes, lol.
Kelly - I agree with you on the Alex/Maggie scenes. First ones didn't impress me but, the last one was much better.
I wish that they could have separated Alex's story into a different episode or perhaps integrated the break-up better in previous episodes. As it was, such a pivotal piece thrown in with what going on in the Lena, Edge,SG story line made both stories feel rushed. But, I know that's sometimes easier said than done, too.
DagNABit, I'm loving Sam!!! When it starts to Reign, it's gonna POUR!!... my emotions RIGHT outta my heart, all over the floor in a sloppy mess.
Good news....Ruby didn't bug me tonight.
Ditto for me on these two points, evrafter.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 37
Anyone happen to know how soon after an episode airs that it is available on Amazon?
The CW is not available through my cable provider. I've watched the first four on Amazon but, they had already long since aired when I watched so, I'm not certain on the time frame.
Thanks ahead of time.
It’s avalable the next day on iTunes and the CW app so I would assume it would be the next day on amazon as well.
As to how late in the day I think the CW app happens pretty early (I’ve watched missed episodes in the middle of he night and I’m on Pacific time) but I tunes could be into the morning of the next day. Not sure where amazon falls.
Amazon comes online with the newest episode 2:00 a.m. Central time the next morning. The first season, we got the "How Does She Do It?" episode that morning before it actually aired. That hasn't happened since then.
Profile Pic by
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 38
Mostly a good episode.
Edge is developing into a "good" villain - by that I mean he is appropriately evil and schemes well. Lena is developing as a good character too. The story was better than the last few weeks.
Let's move on from all the soap opera stuff - finally.
Seeing what they are doing with Reign is a slow burn. That could be really good.
Overall about a 5/10 for me. Especially since the last two episodes were 2/10 or so.
Wow, 2/10 and 5/10???? still watching???? I have a feeling you are not going to be a happy camper this season.
I for one, am loving it, so far the best season out of the 3. I have decided however not to rate the episodes. I enjoyed or I didn't.....trying to gauge how much I enjoyed or didn't has become silly. Thus far, I've enjoyed every episode and a couple of viewings of each.
Profile Pic by
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 39
This was a very good episode for me, not as great as the first four but by no means bad in anyway. The best explanation I can come up with is it didn’t make me think as much.
For many fans it will only be known as episode where Alex and Maggie break up. I don’t envy the position the producers and writers were placed in by the necessity of writing Maggie out. I can honestly say I could’ve come up with a better way to do it. I hear some fans saying not enough time was spent on the story, they would have liked to hear some of the conversations that must have taken place after Alex crawled into bed in S3E4. I also understand the fans who think too much time was spent on a relationship we all knew was ending. I appreciate that neither was framed as wrong for wanting what they wanted. I also like that Maggie isn’t leaving town because of the breakup. I read one FB comment that they shouldn’t have had sex one last time, to that I say that breakup sex absolutely happens. IMO the hardest breakups are the ones where the reason is a fundamental incompatibility not lack of love or somebody doing something wrong. Now on to the rest of the episode.
I think we can stop comparing Morgan Edge to Maxwell Lord. No way would Max have intentionally harmed anyone let alone children to create bad press for his rival. Max wasn’t above using the earthquake in “human for a day” to throw some bad press Supergirl’s way but he had his limits. Morgan Edge is just plain evil and he made it clear he’s not scared of Supergirl. I’m not sure how he’s going to be foiled but I can say it’s going to be brains not brawn that accomplish it. I just hope Lena doesn’t have to lose a piece of her soul to do it.
Personally I get why Supergirl was having trouble hanging on to both halves of the plane. It wasn’t the weight it was the fact that she couldn’t get a good grip. They showed the metal bending as she tightened her grip, if she had squeezed too hard the part she was holding would have broken off. That scene was one of the best rescues to date, both Melissa and Katie sold the heck out of it.
So Lena and Sam know each other from before I defiantly need to hear more about that. Does Lena know who Ruby’s father is? Sam has some illegal hacker skills, will Reign be a challenge to Kara in brains as well as brawn, I hope so.
Shout out to the writers for not totally forgetting that Winn also worked on the lead bomb. Winn talked about how he and Lena went over the calculations. Jeremey showed that Winn was horrified that the calculations were incorrect and it was more possible that he thought that he too was responsible for harming kids. I would have liked a Winn and Lena scene about that but I realize that would have been hard to fit in.
For many fans it will only be known as episode where Alex and Maggie break up. I don’t envy the position the producers and writers were placed in by the necessity of writing Maggie out. I can honestly say I could’ve come up with a better way to do it. I hear some fans saying not enough time was spent on the story, they would have liked to hear some of the conversations that must have taken place after Alex crawled into bed in S3E4. I also understand the fans who think too much time was spent on a relationship we all knew was ending. I appreciate that neither was framed as wrong for wanting what they wanted. I also like that Maggie isn’t leaving town because of the breakup. I read one FB comment that they shouldn’t have had sex one last time, to that I say that breakup sex absolutely happens. IMO the hardest breakups are the ones where the reason is a fundamental incompatibility not lack of love or somebody doing something wrong. Now on to the rest of the episode.
I think we can stop comparing Morgan Edge to Maxwell Lord. No way would Max have intentionally harmed anyone let alone children to create bad press for his rival. Max wasn’t above using the earthquake in “human for a day” to throw some bad press Supergirl’s way but he had his limits. Morgan Edge is just plain evil and he made it clear he’s not scared of Supergirl. I’m not sure how he’s going to be foiled but I can say it’s going to be brains not brawn that accomplish it. I just hope Lena doesn’t have to lose a piece of her soul to do it.
Personally I get why Supergirl was having trouble hanging on to both halves of the plane. It wasn’t the weight it was the fact that she couldn’t get a good grip. They showed the metal bending as she tightened her grip, if she had squeezed too hard the part she was holding would have broken off. That scene was one of the best rescues to date, both Melissa and Katie sold the heck out of it.
So Lena and Sam know each other from before I defiantly need to hear more about that. Does Lena know who Ruby’s father is? Sam has some illegal hacker skills, will Reign be a challenge to Kara in brains as well as brawn, I hope so.
Shout out to the writers for not totally forgetting that Winn also worked on the lead bomb. Winn talked about how he and Lena went over the calculations. Jeremey showed that Winn was horrified that the calculations were incorrect and it was more possible that he thought that he too was responsible for harming kids. I would have liked a Winn and Lena scene about that but I realize that would have been hard to fit in.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 40
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