IMDB (not ususally a trustworthy source) is reporting that Dean Cain and Helen Slater have the roles of Fred and Sylvia Danvers respectively. Fan speculation has been rather tame with these two roles and most people feel that this is the roles they were meant for. While we have used IMDB as a source previously, we will file this as STRONG RUMOR, until we can find a second source to confirm the roles.
Branching from the IMDB source, we also have learned a couple new roles credited in the pilot. Cody Kennedy (pictured below, a Los Angeles native actress, is credited with the role of "Pretty Waitress 2015". We have no idea how "Pretty Waitress" fits into the show, but initial thoughts are that she is someone that Kara could admire in passing, or that James might smooth talk.
Also we have Toni French, actress and producer, credited as a Downtown Pedestrian. Usually something like this is done for a person of stature, because unless they have lines, background actors aren't ususally mentioned. Toni French has an impressive producer credit which is why we believe she is credited here.
Is this who you thought they'd play? We certainly did if its true. Very exciting! Any thoughts on how "Pretty Waitress" might fit into the pilot? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section!