Call to Action Recap

Tonight moved the season four story arch a bit further while sharing some sweet moments with our Girl of Steel team during a great holiday gathering. Interestingly, we saw Supergirl and Manchester Black's interactions and Kara actually saved Black. Ben Lockwood looks like he is burning the candle as both ends as his persona as Ben Lockwood and Agent Liberty are leading the anti-alien march. James and Lena worked through a difference on how to get Guardian's involvement with the Children of Liberty. While those were the big moments that stood out via the synopsis, the episode had much more to cover, here's what stood out to us:

  1. Agent Liberty's Manifesto: A new gang seems to be looking for aliens on the street. Manchester unmasks one and finds it's the cop Fiona was looking into. Supergirl arrives in time break up the fight and save Manchester. Just then, Agent Liberty releases a manifesto from the sky via drones.
  2. Lena's Trials: As we know from the season finale last season, Lena has kept some of the Harun-El. She is investigating to see if it can be used to cure cancer which is an astonishing goal! After first review though, it didn't work.
  3. Children of Liberty Uprising: When Supergirl returns to the DEO, she and Alex debrief Colonel Haley. She instantly puts the investigation on hold and tells Alex that local authorities or other government agencies like the FBI or Homeland Security will take on the investigation. Alex and Kara aren't happy with that and tell Brainy to keep looking into the Children of Liberty but in secret.
  4. James and Lena Have a Disconnect: Lena and James feel like they are doing what the other wants but they weren't communicating. Lena thought that after the manifesto was dropped onto the city, he would want to distance himself from the group. James thought that this was more of a reason to try and find the Children of Liberty and eventually Agent Liberty himself. The two resorted to their work relationship where Lena, James' boss, had the last word.
  5. Kara Goes on TV, James Goes to Meet The Children of Liberty: James makes the call to send Kara to do the talking heads interview. He instead goes to meet the Children of Liberty representative. The Representative takes James on what looks like an innocent walk through a neighborhood but he keeps checking his phone for some reason. As for Kara, she holds her own and gets a few applauses from the audience, but Ben Lockwood's experience showed through. He took the history of Thanksgiving and turned it on Kara.
  6. Thanksgiving: This might be the biggest Thanksgiving ever. Helen Slater returned! On top of that, we had Nia Nal, Manchester Black, Alex, Kara, J'onn, Brainy, James and Lena. The dinner had many layers of stories. James and Lena were mad at each other. Kara had to keep her Supergirl identity hidden from Lena and Nia and Manchester but overlap was very much tip-toed through. During dinner, the group all stumbled through the plan of the Children of Liberty and it turns out that they were planning to attack the homes of aliens in a coordinated strike.
  7. Sundown Attack: The Children of Liberty head out to make their attacks. Kara and Brainy are able remove a few of the marks sparing their attack but Brainy is caught by a group of the COL and he beats them up "with physics" which was hilarious. In addition, one of the alien families being attacked let out an alien lizard who transformed into a Dragon. Supergirl and Spike fought but the little girl that owns Spike showed up and told them how to calm Spike down. Kara talks him down and gives him a pet.

Final wrap up moments of the show came fast in sequence as they do. First, Colonel Haley continued to walk the line between difficult and acceptable. She allowed the DEO to make the Children of Liberty a priority. Ben gets a call from the talking heads show he was on and is given a job and his own show. Then we snap to Alex, J'onn and Kara at Kara's place. They discover that Nia might be hiding something. At the end, James is approached by his contact at the Children of Liberty. He is grateful that James saved his life. James ignores a phone call from Lena and is almost instantly captured by the COL. Lena feels like a civil war between Aliens and humans is coming and she moves to human trials on the Harun-El.

Let us know what you think of the episode in the comments below and in the forum! Some of us are attempting a new challenge this week and are sharing one positive that we liked about the show first, followed by our opinions. Everyone is welcome to join in, but no pressure. Keep us advertisement free and visit the support page!

Eric Johnston
Author: Eric JohnstonWebsite: https://supergirl.tvEmail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Executive Editor/Owner
About the Author
Eric is the primary author for He has been covering the Supergirl show since 2014, but been a fan for decades. "Hope, Help, and Compassion for All, El May Arah!"


+1 #37 RE: Call to Action RecapZendar 2018-11-21 18:25
Quoting Constance:
Manchester looked at the paper with Kara's address so he could attend her party... she lives on "Hope Street"; how fitting!

The new address of 16 Hope Street is a retcon from the previously established address (1022 Argo Street, Apartment 4A, National City, CA 90012). However, since it was established in a deleted scene (from the S1 ep “Manhunter”), the case could be made that the prior address wasn’t canonical.
More recently, they have been using an establishing shot of that building showing the Hope Street sign (which is real; the building really is on Hope Street in Los Angeles). Also, they have used Argo in other ways than as a street name. At least they kept her in apartment 4A.
+1 #36 Kara lives on Hope StreetConstance 2018-11-21 13:44
Manchester looked at the paper with Kara's address so he could attend her party... she lives on "Hope Street"; how fitting!
Another superb episode! So many great things, already outlined in other comments! Love the little humor (not going to eat that pie; the flowers aren't real; I'm going to beat you up with physics; dogs usually love me etc.)
#35 RE: Call to Action RecapSSAV 2018-11-20 21:24
Quoting Sully:
Quoting Brierrose:
I had to look it up myself :D The first book Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone was released in the US in September 1998, definitely before Kara landed
Well, I must have been a child prodigy to be able to read that book when I was only 3 years old :-*

This confused me.. Are you saying you were 3 years old in 1998 or that Alex or Kara was three years old?
+1 #34 RE: Call to Action Recapstarlord 2018-11-20 20:06
Another great one. Loved the Brainy physics fight scene. Very well done. Kara and a dragon was awesome and yeah CGI was very good especially better than the dragon on Legacies the other day. Of course not Game of Thrones CGI But it still was very solid CGI effect. Finally Lena slowly turning to the Dark side. Which is her destiny and want to see her embrace her Luthor side. As one on the good side she is boring as heck.

Next sundays ep looks very intense
+1 #33 RE: Call to Action RecapSully 2018-11-20 18:05
Quoting Brierrose:
I had to look it up myself :D The first book Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone was released in the US in September 1998, definitely before Kara landed
Well, I must have been a child prodigy to be able to read that book when I was only 3 years old :-*

I wholeheartedly agree books are always better and yes Alex would’ve made Kara read them but Kara would’ve annoyed her by speed reading.
:D Poor Alex - always just, "trying to keep up", literally, lol.
#32 RE: Call to Action RecapBrierrose 2018-11-20 16:11
Quoting Sully:
Quoting Brierrose:
I imagine Alex would’ve introduced the series to Kara but they would’ve finished it together.
Man, I had to think for a moment that, yes, Harry Potter would have come out before Kara arrived on Earth. Yes, they've definitely watched it together. But, would Alex had demanded that Kara read the books first? The books are always better than the movies. ;-)

I had to look it up myself :D The first book Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone was released in the US in September 1998, definitely before Kara landed. The seventh and final one Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows was released in July 2007, Kara would’ve been on Earth by then. The sisters could’ve finished the series together after Kara caught up. The first movie was November 2001, I don’t think Kara would’ve been on Earth then.

I wholeheartedly agree books are always better and yes Alex would’ve made Kara read them but Kara would’ve annoyed her by speed reading.
#31 RE: Call to Action RecapSully 2018-11-20 15:36
Quoting Brierrose:
I imagine Alex would’ve introduced the series to Kara but they would’ve finished it together.
Man, I had to think for a moment that, yes, Harry Potter would have come out before Kara arrived on Earth. Yes, they've definitely watched it together. But, would Alex had demanded that Kara read the books first? The books are always better than the movies. ;-)
Quoting Brierrose:
Quoting Annoyedchris:
I think this season they are struggling to integrate Supergirl (as opposed to Kara) into the storyline because the villain(s) are so grounded in reality. Interested to see where it goes next.
This is an interesting observation and may be part of why some people were frustrated with earlier episodes. As Supergirl Kara can’t directly engage with CoL, that could serve to provide fuel for their racist behavior. This villain being human necessitates more talk and less action on Kara’s part so those who love action may be disappointed. The action will come when the Red Daughter comes into play.
This is a good point. You're right that Kara has to be careful how she deals with these human enemies for more than one reason. The whole team has to use a little bit of reverse psychology, I think, to defeat this enemy. Of course, once the CoL physically attack Kara, there's no reason to shred the Supergirl suit :lol:.
#30 RE: Call to Action RecapKiwi 2018-11-20 02:04
Quoting RobertAnthony:
For starters...

Great seeing Helen Slater back, even in a limited role.

It certainly was, I'll take her in a limited role than no role at all, so nice that they hadn't forgotten about her (given a full season has passed since her last appearance in S3 E6).

I've seen comments made in the past that Eliza is a sea of calm for the characters hectic lives and it's true, seems to match Helen's personality.

Was also nice to have a scene where Helen and Melissa are seated next to each other, I'm able to admire Supergirl beauty times 2.

My dream is that in Season 5 Helen is promoted to series regular. Eliza moves to National City to live and work with her 2 daughters.
+3 #29 RE: Call to Action RecapStewart Tick 2018-11-19 21:24
I don't know if anyone else caught the reference or not - but Spike the Dragon is a "My Little Pony" character!
+2 #28 RE: Call to Action RecapBrierrose 2018-11-19 17:39
This episode had me at the Harry Potter references. I imagine Alex would’ve introduced the series to Kara but they would’ve finished it together. I agree Col. Haley is acting Delores Umbridgey and if that continues I fully support the sisters going Weasley twins on her. The dragon is another important part of the Harry Potter mythology and Alex even acknowledged that it served her right for starting the references. Speaking of that dragon The CGI quality has just been great this season, I can’t think of one scene where it’s been bad. I’ll bet if you asked Melissa four years what she would be doing in 2018 talking down a CGI dragon wouldn’t have crossed her mind.

Quoting Annoyedchris:
Thought this was a pretty strong episode! Personally, I loved the dragon scene .. it was random but fun! I think this season they are struggling to integrate Supergirl (as opposed to Kara) into the storyline because the villain(s) are so grounded in reality. Interested to see where it goes next.
This is an interesting observation and may be part of why some people were frustrated with earlier episodes. As Supergirl Kara can’t directly engage with CoL, that could serve to provide fuel for their racist behavior. This villain being human necessitates more talk and less action on Kara’s part so those who love action may be disappointed. The action will come when the Red Daughter comes into play.

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