Everyone knows there is no new episode of Supergirl today (check our countdown clock for up-to-the-second accurate times). The feeling of no new episode is softened greatly by a new chapter of Adventures of Supergirl though! This time artist Emanuela Lupacchino took to drawing the Girl of Steel with inker Ray McCarthy and colorist Hi-Fi! The result is like a fine wine, prepared by practiced hands and the end product leaves you smiling. In this week's chapter, Kara is experiencing dreams ... well nightmares after her capture of Vril Dox. Oddly, however, the dreams seem to be taking on a more personal attack tone than usual. Where do the dreams stop and the real danger begin? You'll want to read Chapter 6 of Adventures of Supergirl today and find out! Here are a few preview pages from the issue below:
EDIT: Seems we had a bit of a debate on where that octopus drawing came from above Kara's bed. Well the writer himself, Sterling Gates, has shed some light on that very subject:
Have you had a chance to read Adventures of Supergirl chapter 6 yet? Let us know what you thought of it in the comments below and in the forum! Also, help keep Supergirl.tv advertisement free and visit our support page. Thanks!