Last Day Filming Pilot

Well its been an amazing three week journey! Too bad its all over ... just kidding! Today, however, does mark the last official day of filming for the pilot according to director Glen Miller:

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This doesn't mean that there isn't more filming coming along or re-shoots or anything like that but principal photography should be wrapping up. Now they will edit, animate, add special effects and do whatever else they need to do to polish up this great pilot. Then the pilot is submitted to CBS for consideration for a full seasons order and with that, we have our Supergirl show off and running and new episodes and production schedules pop up all over!

"WAIT!", I hear you cry, "I thought Supergirl was already picked up for a full season". Well that is true and not true. When pitching an idea for a new show to a network, there are various levels of acceptance. Many are just green lit for a pilot. The pilot is judged and if it does well, it goes to series. In the case of Supergirl, CBS gave Supergirl a clause that if they didn't pick it up for a season, they would have to pay a penalty largely associated with the costs of actually producing a season's worth of the show. This is great news for us Supergirl fans because the likelihood of the show being on the Fall schedule is very high! That said, lets cross our fingers that the pilot is well received! We'll know officially end of April, or May.

In other news, here's what's happening on Supergirl from the twitter-verse. First we have a tweet from ArmenVFX. This is a perfect example of how filming ends and all the edits and special effects are added:

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Next we have this funny tweet from production:

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I'd do just about anything to be on that KryptoCart! Finally we have two great tweets from our Hank Henshaw himself, David Harewood:

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I don't think even Photoshop does gradients that perfect!

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Well thats it, big day for the show! There could be more filming going on as the editing process continues. They might need to reshoot some stuff or change some things but here we are, the pilot is just about done! Let's hear your comments below and on our forum!

Eric Johnston
Author: Eric JohnstonWebsite: https://supergirl.tvEmail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Executive Editor/Owner
About the Author
Eric is the primary author for He has been covering the Supergirl show since 2014, but been a fan for decades. "Hope, Help, and Compassion for All, El May Arah!"

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