Dr. T.O. Morrow Cast

Dr. T.O. Morrow has been given a face for CBS' Supergirl. Which face might that be? Well the one belonging to Iddo Goldberg of course. is reporting that Iddo Goldberg (Salem, Peaky Blinders) has accepted the role of the Red Tornado and the Doctor. went on to say:

According to Warner Bros. Television, Red Tornado is the most advanced android the world has ever seen. Designed by scientist T.O. Morrow for the U.S. Army as the ultimate superweapon, he soon becomes sentient, posing a grave danger to National City -- including the people Supergirl cares about most.

In what way Goldberg will play both Morrow and the Red Tornado isn't clear. While the character has often been imbued with the personality of a human in the comics, Morrow isn't Red Tornado, just the android's inventor. He's also evil, while Red Tornado is a hero and longtime Justice League member. (Red Tornado also served as a mentor to Young Justice when that team first assembled under the pen of longtime Supergirl writer Peter David.)

It's possible that an accident could fuse the two, accounting for Red Tornado's deviant behavior, or that Morrow could have built the android based on himself and Goldberg would be doing only voice work for the android, but acting as Morrow physically.

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In addition to the great news that has announced, has exclusively found these two possible scenes. The first is with Dr. Morrow and his Commanding Officer. The second, Supergirl and Red Tornado. Visit our spoilers page to read them!

What do you think of the casting? What about how the actor might play both parts? We love hearing your theories and comments, just use the section below. Or if you rather, you can always hit up our forum!

Eric Johnston
Author: Eric JohnstonWebsite: https://supergirl.tvEmail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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About the Author
Eric is the primary author for He has been covering the Supergirl show since 2014, but been a fan for decades. "Hope, Help, and Compassion for All, El May Arah!"

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