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  2. Love Fool Sherlock Holmes The Voice
  3. Supergirl General Discussion
  4. Thursday, 10 March 2022
Flash showrunner Eric Wallace did a big interview for last night's Flash midseason return.He revealed that if Flash gets a season 9(which is looking likely) then he has an idea for another big season opening event like this year's ,"Armageddon" that would feature guest stars from across the Arrowverse.He revealed he's about to have a talk with a Supergirl cast member for next season.This Supergirl character is one who has never appeared on The Flash before.

The Flash Podcast: After seeing the reception “Armageddon” got, if there is a ninth season, what are the chances we may see a graphic novel in this kind of scope again at the start of next season?

Eric Wallace: Yeah, I was obviously very happy that people seemed to respond very favorably to it. And again – knock on whatever imaginary object we should be knocking on – if we are lucky enough to get a season 9, I do have a crazy idea that I would love to do as a nice big kickoff to the season with some guest stars. I don’t want to get my hopes up yet. I, like the rest of you all, are still waiting for a pickup too.

But I know how these things work from a more practical level. If we are lucky enough to get that pickup, then very quickly, I’m going to be asked, “Hey, what’s the story next year?” I can’t wait that long. I need to have a plan in place now, so that’s been my job over the last couple of months or so. I would like to have the people who were on the show before in Armageddon, but there’s also some new folks.

I won’t spoil it, but one of the people I’m actually having conversation with in two weeks is a Supergirl alum who has never been on our show before. And I’m going to try and get that individual – notice I did not use any pronouns – onto our show in some way because I love the character so much. One step at a time.

My first guess is Nia?Nia hasn't appeared on The Flash.Niether has Kelly.Has Brainy?Brainy was in Eleseworlds and Crisis On Infinte Earths but I forget if he specifically was in The Flash episodes of those events.

Any Supergirl character I would be happy to see but I do love the idea of Nicole returning for a guest spot on The Flash.

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